MADE MEN Monthly Motivation ( April )
My Dear Brothers,
I come to you with the joy of the Lord for this new day and the life we've been given to see another day. A new opportunity we have been given to make a positive impact in the lives of those who can benefit from what we have experienced. I appreciate the love and support many of you have given to me and the OVG Family for us it's about you seeking your soul's salvation in Christ and about being a support system for you and your family because if you locked up, your family is my family. My brother Greg Alexander been down 19 years thus far and we got a long road ahead of us. Like our families, there are millions of other out here who going through exactly what we are experiencing; the struggle is real. From Mother Cherrie to Mrs. Roxie Perry, Rose Miller and Bobby Palmer to myself, along with the local community members we are pulling together are here for you. OVG is a platform where injustices can be fought and your voice and the voices of your loved ones can be heard.
Last month we experienced a breach in our monthly stream of communication. We received a lot of letters with positive feedback on many of your thoughts and commitment for what OVG is doing in our community. Not to say what we do is that much on the large scale of things but as we take it day by day, one step at a time. After taking in all your feedback and making the necessary adjustments, I got side-tracked by the needs of the students at the middle school and elementary level. Over the past three-four weeks, I've been up at Northwestern Middle School giving up my time to help Principal Tim Reese, his staff and students as a resource to better serve the kids. Most of the children in this school are in poverty. Like Fano shared with us last year, many of the moms are playing mom and dad. You know, good cop, bad cop. The kids need positive role models. The parents need positive peers who their child will listen to; while the schools need active community members involved in the schools who the students respect.
There are great strides being accomplished by how God is using OVG to bring the school these outreach strategies. Since many of the kids in the neighborhood are being raised by single moms, this month we plan to start OVG M.A.D.E. Moms Connection to bring mother's together weekly and encourage them to have an active presence in the schools.
Along with mothers coming in one day a week, we plan to bring dads and male role models in also to support staff and influence the children through the OVG Strategies. Our goal is to help our people avoid misfortune by exposing them to our experiences so that they see a brighter day. I don't have any children at the school but have a niece and many of you have children, nieces, and nephews there if you from the Creek. My work in learning exactly what is going in the kid’s minds has pushed me into a new chapter in my mind. A chapter that has been brought right to the forefront and exactly what our mission is all about. This OVG LifeStyle Movement is about fighting fatherlessness by preventing death and incarceration. That goal is ultimately to prevent death and incarceration for ourselves as well as those around us.
It’s about being a father to the fatherless, by giving hope to the hopeless. It is about allowing the Spirit of God to use us to speak life into the atmosphere. It is about being the change we want to see. Before I roll out, I want to thank Lil Bro Fano and Big Bro "S.B." Shawn Brown for continually reminding me of the importance of doing what I can here with what I have. One of those things is to start a five-month book club that the young cats can attend on a weekly basis. Young men, our youth, in general, will begin to go through the first OVG Study Course. Once all goes according to plan, we will be launching the literacy comprehension program at Washington Heights Church starting the week of the 17th. That same week, we will also be launching the parent meetings. If you have kids or know any parents who have kids who need positive guidance be sure to let us know.
Until we write again, be sure to keep me and the OVG Family in your prayers as we will keep you in ours. Also, included is an outreach contact form and release of information form included if you would like your story and or experiences to be shared. If you have already returned your forms and received for books, please express your thoughts both likes and dislikes. In that case, pass the form(s) on to someone who may be interested in taking advantage of the movement before it’s too late. My big homie “M.P.” Mark Porter mentioned having an interesting in having OVG in every city and I agree, that’s the whole movement, to spread it around. As long as the person is 100 and plans to live up to the OVG standards of conduct we are looking to expand every day. So let’s push the brand around the world.
The Bible says one can drive out a thousand but two can drive out ten thousand. Brothers, know that it is all love and I do what I do because this is what I have been called to do! Through Christ Jesus, you too can find love, joy, peace, happiness, and purpose or whatever it is you are looking for pertaining to life and godliness. Until next time…
It’s your brother B.D. keeping it G!!
B.D. StreetPriest
Raymond McNeil
Wow man you are doing really good thing keep it up