M.A.D.E of G.O.L.D.
Outreach Strategies designed to help urbanites realize who we are, who we have become and who we were originally created to be.
The O.V.G. M.A.D.E. Purpose is to create support systems within homes and institutions for families of the traumatized and incarcerated. By equipping communities with tools to create solutions and increase the possibility and probability of success.
The O.V.G. M.A.D.E. Positive Lifestyle was created to promote positive living, positive thinking and positive decision making among traumatized youth, vulnerable young people and incarcerated people.
The O.V.G. M.A.D.E. Focus inspires positive change in the lifestyles of urban families of traumatized youth and incarcerated adults in society.
The O.V.G. M.A.D.E. Mission to fight fatherlessness by using products, programs, and positions to prevent death and incarcerations among individuals from destructive backgrounds.
The O.V.G. M.A.D.E. Vision is to see traumatized families being transformed and reformed into law-abiding citizens who possess marketable skills.
The O.V.G. M.A.D.E. Goal is to use literacy to encourage young people and adults to broaden their horizons of the life circumstances faced through positive literature to increases awareness of the obstacles traumatized children face.
The O.V.G. M.A.D.E. Philosophy helps individuals to see; where we are, by analyzing where we have come from and where we were destined to go.
The O.V.G. M.A.D.E. Motto is that "If each one can reach one, then we can teach some; because it only takes one to change for all to change"...
Alexander & Co., LLC
1409 W. Michigan Ave. Unit #2
Battle Creek, MI 49017
(269) 419-6594