Support your incarcerated loved one by signing them up for the OVG MADE Men Monthly Motivational Newsletter. The OVG (Optimized Vision of God) Inmate Newsletter is distributed widely to inmates at county, state, and federal facilities as an inspirational message of encouragement to our citizens behind the wall. Join the movement today!
P.O. Box 4162
Battle Creek, MI 49016
May 2017
My Brothers, I am so elated to be able to still put my fingers to the keys of this computer and speak into your lives. It is my honor to be able to use my voice and the message God has given me to improve the lives of you who are no different than me, and to help you see the possibility and hopefully prepare you and others for a successful re-entry. The pressures of this world are never ending but there is no temptation know to man that he (God) will not make a way of escape. 13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it (1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV). It is vital that we become aware of the temptations before our eyes so that we don’t fall for the bait but find a way of escape.
The verse says that there is no temptation that is uncommon to man, that’s why I say that you are no different than me. God is no respecter of persons and what he has done for me he (God) will do for you, that is if you know the recipe. It’s a real struggle for us all to walk straight and there are distractions at every corner and before every turn, it’s not all about getting money but more about not getting burned (caught up in the system). I almost got caught up by what I earn and if I had fallen for the bait I too would have gotten burned. It is a struggle to walk straight day by day and not miss our turn. I refuse to let you down or the people who are still in our community. We can help the blind to see and through Christ, set the captive free. Pray for me as I pray for you because I too need you to use your faith!!
Blessings as we keep it G,
B.D. StreetPriest
B.D. StreetPriest
That’s a must! If we don’t do it for our own at least, who will? OVG is that strategy where the community takes responsibility for its own and inspires others to choose positivity and personal accountability. I can, I will, I must!
Dr. Shoes
This is a most needed. To let our brothers know we still got love for them. Even thou society has cast them away.