- *We Write 2 Re-Write His>Story: A positive literary initiative designed to inspire local citizens and incarcerated young adults to read, write and communicate encouragement. We add value to inmates through newsletters, personal letters and weekly correspondence course to the prisoner from members of their community.
Our Vision
Re-Write His-Story is a literacy initiative designed to encourage both inmates and citizens to engage in both reading and writing. Our vision is to provide reading materials for inmates in both jail and prison. We provide materials such as are those, monthly inspirations, scriptural study lessons, and personal letters and novels. We inspire citizens that desire to write inmates and encourage them through words of inspiration. We can accomplish a lot by inspiring inmates from our community to transform the way they think before re-entering society. With our support and encouragement a letter can do a lot for someone behind bars, who feels that the world has forgotten them.
Our Goal
Our goal is to inspire change in the hearts of inmates who will eventually be re-entering our communities. Giving them a sense of hope, knowing that they are not forgotten and we care enough to help them transition into a change of mind, decisions and actions. We want to meet inmates where they are and bridge the gap to where they could be. We are standing as examples, walking testimonies and recipients of God's amazing Grace, showing others what God has in store for them. We know that, "Changed Lives, Change Lives”!!
But one thing I do − it is my one aspiration: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead. -Philippians 3:13 (AMP)